Dhanush is currently working in Thiruchitrambalam. Directed by the direction of Mithran Jawahar in Thiruchitrambalam and the story, screenplay and script are done by Dhanush itself. Produced by Sun Pictures. The movie features Imayam Bharathiraja, and Prakash Raj in the lead roles and Dhanush is paired with Priya Bhavani Shankar, Nithya Menon and Raashii Khanna.
The technical crew includes Anirudh as a music composer and Om Prakash as the cinematographer. The production of the movie was shot in  Pondicherry, Chennai, Pudukottai and Courtallam and it has been completed.
Now the official update of the movie is, that the production team has released a poster saying that the characters in the film will be revealed in the upcoming days. The released poster showed Dhanush sitting in a chair and looking at a photo of Illayaraaja. The movie will be released in the theatres very soon. Stay tuned for more official updates.